Health Sentinels: Canine Parvovirus and Coronavirus in Portuguese Shelter Dogs
P. Afonso*, L. Cardoso, H. Quintas and A. C. Coelho Paulo AFONSO*, (Corresponding author, e-mail:, DVM, MSc, Department of
ReadP. Afonso*, L. Cardoso, H. Quintas and A. C. Coelho Paulo AFONSO*, (Corresponding author, e-mail:, DVM, MSc, Department of
ReadP. Afonso*, L. Cardoso, H. Quintas and A. C. Coelho Paulo AFONSO*, (Corresponding author, e-mail:, DVM, MSc, Department of
ReadM. Matos*, S. João, A. C. Matos, L. Figueira, L. Cardoso, M. de Lurdes Pinto and A. C. Coelho Manuela
ReadJ. Morais, A. C. Coelho, V. Soeiro, P. Nunes, N. Alvura, G. M. Dorrestein and M. A. Pires* João MORAIS,