Health Sentinels: Canine Parvovirus and Coronavirus in Portuguese Shelter Dogs
P. Afonso*, L. Cardoso, H. Quintas and A. C. Coelho Paulo AFONSO*, (Corresponding author, e-mail:, DVM, MSc, Department of
ReadP. Afonso*, L. Cardoso, H. Quintas and A. C. Coelho Paulo AFONSO*, (Corresponding author, e-mail:, DVM, MSc, Department of
ReadAndrija Musulin* and Marcela Nađ Andrija MUSULIN*, (Corresponding author, e-mail:, DVM, Assistant Professor, Marcela NAĐ, student, Faculty of Veterinary
ReadM. A. Rodrigues*, A. C. Coelho, M. C. Fontes, A. Esteves and J. A. Costa Melissa Alves RODRIGUES*, DVM, MSc,
ReadG. Kompes, B. Habrun*, M. Benić, L. Cvetnić, S. Špičić, S. Duvnjak, I. Reil, M. Zdelar-Tuk, Ž. Cvetnić, B. Šeol