

Sorbinska kiselina – aditiv s antimikrobnim djelovanjem u hrani životinjskog podrijetla

Histopathology lesions in red deer (Cervus elaphus) from Idanha-a-Nova and Lousã (Portugal): preliminary results

Distribution of sialoglycoconjugates – gangliosides and PSA-NCAM in the brain of two venomous snakes: Vipera ammodytes and Vipera berus bosniensi

The effectiveness of an automated heat detection system in Brown Swiss heifers when using sexed semen at a large dairy unit

Molecular screening of Nocardia spp. in wild mammals: a cross-sectional study

Haematological parameters and production characteristics of novel Romanov × Hissar crossbred sheep adapted to European steppe climate

Comparative study between bone obtained by 3D printing and its original model

Ponašanje i dobrobit mliječnih krava u suvremenoj stočarskoj proizvodnji

Body language: the key to successful communication between humans and horses

The influence of the phytobiotic tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) on broiler production and health
